Rebates to NYSUT Locals (Local Assistance and Local Educational Issues): This section represents the VOTE-COPE local assistance and local educational issues rebate programs. Under the local assistance rebate program, 20% of the previous year’s V-C contributions are made automatically to all locals contributing $100 or more. Additionally, upon request, locals may receive a local educational issues rebate of up to 20% of the local’s previous year’s contributions to V-C for use in school budget votes and school board elections.
Contributions to Major and Statewide Political Committees: 21% of VOTE-COPE expenditures are made under this category. The General Political Committees include but are not limited to the New York State Democratic Committee, the New York Republican State Committee, the general campaign committees of the Assembly and the state Senate and national committees. VOTE-COPE makes contributions directly to these committees in order to maximize our influence with the various party leaders. Tickets for fundraisers to various state and county political events are also purchased under this line item, as a means of making contributions to candidates and to committees, to increase NYSUT’s visibility with the candidates. This enables legislative leaders to move individual members into support of NYSUT’s positions.
Direct Contributions to Assemblypersons: This section represents contributions and ticket purchases made to individual Assembly candidates endorsed by NYSUT.
Direct Contributions to Senators: This section represents contributions and ticket purchases made to individual Senate candidates endorsed by NYSUT.
Direct Contributions to Candidates for Statewide Office: This category encompasses contributions to candidates for statewide political offices. Recipients would include endorsed candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and State Comptroller.
Legislative and Political Action Expenses: This category encompasses expenses incurred in the production of regional VOTE-COPE political action activities including those undertaken by NYSUT's political action committee. Reimbursement of Committee of 100 expenses are included here.
Media Campaign Expenses: This category represents costs associated with radio, television and print media purchased as part of our lobbying efforts on state aid to public education.
Federal Election Expenditures: This category encompasses expenses related to the election of NYSUT members to the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and federal election mailings.
VOTE-COPE Administrative Expenses: This category shows the expenditures made in connection with running the VOTE-COPE drive such as processing the contributions received by VOTE-COPE and expenses incurred by the VOTE-COPE Coordinators.
VOTE-COPE Materials Expenses: As the name indicates, this item covers VOTE-COPE campaign materials such as posters, brochures, contribution forms, plaques and ribbons, and special events at the Representative Assemblies.